

How You Can Save the World is a podcast about the simple steps anyone can take to help to save the environment. In our first episode, we begin by looking at energy in the home, comparing the benefits to the environment and your wallet when you replace your lightbulbs with LEDs. Find us on: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr Email us with suggestions or tips at    All the information from this episode: Greenhouse Gas CalculatorDetermine your energy savings Look at your energy bill, determine your cost per kilowatt hour (kwh).  Mine is 11 cents.Go to Micheal Bluejay, and plug in your energy usage cost, per one  bulb, per hours burned, to his calculator.  That will give you, the cost to operate one bulb per month.  Then multiply that by 12 (a year) and multiply that by how many bulbs you use in your house.   Micheal Blue JayAdditional energy saving calculators Where to buy bulbsLight Bulbs Unlimited (interviewed in podcast)Home Depot California Public Utilities Commission Find out where