How You Can Save The World: Sustainable Living And Social Activism

10: It's all about the bees



Pesticides and habit changes are killing honeybees.  What can we do to rescue these vital pollinators?  We talk honey, hives, gardening, and "the birds and the bees" in this month's episode.  Interviews with Jessica Lamden and Kirk Anderson.   Helpful bee information What does a honey bee eat and how do they collect it?  -Catskill Provisions  Why do honey bees need pollen? -Bee Pollen Products HoneyLove, urban bee keepers (website of the McFarlands, authors of Save the Bees with Natural Backyard Hives) The Orchard Mason Bee: The Life History, Biology, Propagation, and Use of a North American Native Bee  by Brian L. Griffin (Author), Sharon Smith (Illustrator) Bee friendly plants  Suggestions for planting a bee garden from Honey Bee Conservancy Natural Resources Defense Council information on saving the bees Nature Conservancy’s page on bees  Suggestions for planting a bee garden from Honey Bee Conservancy Kirk Anderson’s Apiary Apricot Lane Farms Call to Action Contact the biggest manufacturer of Neoni