Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Kristin Bedford - Equality, god & lowriders



My name is Andrew Walmsley and your listening to episode 159 of photography insights.  This is the show that interviews people from the photography world. This weeks show I'm proud to showcase an artist from the US whose work I came across through lenscratch. The images are really nice and it's about a subject i love - well sort of.  So we talk with Kristin Bedford from Los Angeles who has worked on something called "cruise night".  Cruise night was something that stood out for me. It’s been mentioned in so many outlets around the world!  The project is about the mexican/californian lowrider community (cars that have been lowered) so although it's about cars in theory its not really.  2 years in the making but Kristin's book is now available so watch out for the link in the show notes, your welcome to treat me to a copy too! Another project of Kristin's is called "perfect picture" where she spent 5 weeks at the house of the father divine,  A man considered god by his followers an