Dr. Tommy Show

Walter E. Williams - Is Liberty Alive in America?



IS LIBERTY ALIVE IN AMERICA? Professor of Economics, author, and syndicated columnist Walter E. Williams is on the show to discuss liberty, the Constitution, and moral decline. Is the American public more agreeable to tyranny than liberty. Was is the difference between a democracy and a republic and which one did the founding fathers plan for our country? Who does Dr. Williams favor in the upcoming presidential election and what advice does Dr. Williams have for freedom-loving physicians? Find out about the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and how it compares to the American Medical Association. Also Dr. Tommy discusses the troubles of the Affordable Care Act. Is the “Healthcare Bubble” about to burst as has been written about by Bryan Rotella, or is there a way to avert collapse and restore American healthcare to an innovative and affordable system and avoid single-payer solutions. Dr. Williams is the former chairman and current professor of Economics at George Mason University. He is th