James Bond & Friends

0109: Watchalong with Never Say Never Again



Join us as we watch 1983's Never Say Never Again together as a group experience. For this episode, don your dungarees, grab an exploding fountain pen, and cue up your copy of Never Say Never Again as the panel chats over the film in real-time with observations, trivia, insights, and irreverence. Along the way, we discover Ice Station Zebra footage, launch a villain's merch store, find under-employed dance instructors, worry about crushed sharks, and will never now be able to unsee Tim Curry. After the film, we dive in to your questions from Twitter. The recording took place on October 23rd, 2020 in the USA, UK, and Spain.  James Page is co-founder of MI6-HQ.com and the magazine MI6 Confidential Calvin Dyson Reviews Bond channel can be enjoyed at youtube.com/calvindyson Lisa Funnell (@DrLisaFunnell) is Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma Bill Koenig runs the Spy Command at hmssweblog.wordpress.com David Leigh runs thejamesbonddossier.com Ben Williams writes for MI6-HQ.com and MI6 Confiden