Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 36 - The Secret to Creating and Casting Personal Vision



In today’s solo episode, we’ll be talking about the power of vision. When you have a vision for yourself, you get clarity on where you’re going. That clear mental image of your heart’s desires is incredibly motivating. In fact, I attribute the power of visualization to helping me achieve my greatest goals. Whether it’s imagining a healthier family life, picturing my dream body, or attaining the highest rank of Black Diamond in my company, visualization made me so excited and hopeful about where I wanted to go, I did everything I could to get there. And I succeeded. Once I realized the power of visualization, I knew I needed to help other people develop their own vision. I’m going to tell you exactly how to cast a vision on behalf of someone else in a way that leads to growth. In this episode, you’ll hear me share some visualization tips and secrets, including: • What is a personal vision? • Why is vision so important? • The way that feeling HOPE helps you PROGRESS • How your personal vision will make yo