Multiple Calls Podcast

Multiple Calls Episode Episode 40 - Dr. Glenn Landry, PhD



Glenn Landry has studied circadian rhythms and sleep for over 20 years. He completed his graduate research at Simon Fraser University, examining circadian mechanisms of entrainment, supervised by Dr. Ralph Mistlberger and supported by grants from MSFHR and NSERC. He then focused his research efforts on sleep, aging, and cognition as a CIHR postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose’s Aging, Mobility, and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at UBC. His research there explored age-related changes in sleep duration, efficiency, and architecture that contribute to or accelerate cognitive decline in older adults. As an academic, Glenn’s goal was to develop chronotherapeutic interventions capable of delaying cognitive decline in older adults, with the objective of improving quality of life, productivity, and extending capacity for independent living. Now in private practice, Glenn is a sleep coach. He works with older adults, shift workers, and families to improve physical and mental health through better sleep quali