Chats With Susan Burrell

The Oneness of All



Ep #161 - This Empowering Chat Podcast episode features new author, Brandon Beachum.  Brandon recently penned his first book, entitled, The Golden Key. We have a lively and fun discussion about the Oneness of all beings, including being particles of the stars and the nature of reality. Brandon describes himself as a serial entrepreneur and credits much of his success to the application of his empowering perspectives which he shares in his book, The Golden Key. Brandon has packed this little gem of a book with his own spin on ideas from many thought leaders from the worlds of science and spirituality. Renowned thought leaders such as Lao Tzu, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden and Dr. Wayne Dyer, to name just a few. Brandon has gathered so much wisdom in this wonderful little book. I am excited and thrilled to share this podcast with all of you. And Brandon has graciously gifted all of you, my listeners, with either the audio or kindle version of his book.  To access that gift please visit: GoldenKey.Gift and be