Being A Whole Person

Minisode: Transitioning Out of Busy Mode with Mindfulness



I share a few quick and easy mindfulness practices for transitioning more smoothly out of a busy period when you're trying to return to more relaxation and rest. I'm trying out this casual mini episode format on the weeks between regular episodes. Let me know what you think, I always welcome your feedback! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ MORE FROM REBECCA Join us in Compassionate Creativity Coworking Club! Sign up for the free Feel Good Creativity Unchallenge (5 days of super easy creativity + wellness prompts) Free Discovery Call Fuel Your Creative Work With Compassionate Productivity workbook My Brazilian album Florescer SUPPORT THE PODCAST: SUBSCRIBE + REVIEW: Ratings and reviews are always appreciated, and help the show reach more people! iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify