Being A Whole Person

Minisode: Returning to Ritual



I share what ritual I'm returning to recently, and invite you to reflect on what habits, practices, or rituals have been nourishing to you in the past, in hopes that re-introducing it has a positive effect on your energy level and your creativity! I'm trying out this casual mini episode format on the weeks between regular episodes. Let me know what you think, I always welcome your feedback! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ MORE FROM REBECCA Join us in Compassionate Creativity Coworking Club! Sign up for the free Feel Good Creativity Unchallenge (5 days of super easy creativity + wellness prompts) Free Discovery Call Fuel Your Creative Work With Compassionate Productivity workbook My Brazilian album Florescer SUPPORT THE PODCAST: SUBSCRIBE + REVIEW: Ratings and reviews are always appreciated, and help the show reach more people! iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify