Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP208 What Are YOU Doing To Increase Your Financial Fitness?



We are all in different places in our financial fitness journey. Similar to physical fitness, we could be taking our first step off the couch to walk around the block, or we could be further along and training for a marathon. It is the same when we talk about financial fitness—we could be simply learning about credit cards, or we could be learning to become sophisticated investors. So, in this episode,  I want to go back to basics and talk about financial literacy, specifically what you are doing to advance yours.  Listen in as I explain what financial literacy and financial resilience are, and share several steps you can take to increase both of these areas in your life. You will learn the importance of consistently moving toward your goals, how to ensure your finances match your goals, and the benefit of seeking professional advice when you are unsure. “Everyone’s pace on the journey looks different.” -  Tracey Bissett This Week on Young Money: The importance of taking small actions every day to move towar