Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP212 Milli Moves: Purchasing Pro Tips



Deciding on a purchase can be harder than it seems. As a society, we are bombarded with choices and advertisements are everywhere fighting for our attention. People go about the buying process in many different ways, from researching everything to making a split-second decision on what to spend their hard-earned dollars on. So, in this episode, I am going to walk you through my purchasing pro tips to give you confidence the next time you are thinking about making a purchase. Listen in as I share the importance of contemplating whether you actually need an item before you spend money on it and how to decipher if you can actually afford it. There is nothing worse than buying something and then never using it. Not only did you waste your money, but you deprive yourself of something else you could have had instead. But if you follow these tips, they'll help you avoid this issue moving forward. “The first thing we should be thinking about is: do we need what we are contemplating buying?” - Tracey Bissett     This