Bu With Declan Edwards

The Proximity Effect (30by30for30)



"We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with" This saying, and others like it, have become somewhat of a cliche in the world of personal development. However, there's a lot of truth to them. Have you ever hung around someone for long enough that you began talking like them? Ever found yourself enjoying a new hobby when you're dating someone new? Say hello to the proximity effect. In this episode I'm sharing what the proximity effect is and how you can leverage it to accelerate your personal development. As always if you enjoyed this episode you can help us work towards our vision of "growing global wellbeing, one mind at a time" by simply REVIEWING, SHARING & SUBSCRIBING to this podcast. Find out more about YOUR happiness by completing your FREE Happiness Scorecard at www.happinessscorecard.com.au Begin growing your happiness by attending our FREE online masterclass; Hacking Happiness: https://www.bucoaching.org/hacking-happiness/ You can also find out more about our award-winning Happi