Happy Healthy Hormones With Dr. Chris

99: Learning how to be a Biohacktivist with Shawn Wells



In this episode Dr. Chris and guest Shawn Wells (dubbed the World's Greatest Formulator), talk about some of the ways you can biohack your health to the next level of health and vitality. With Shawn's massive experience in recovery and longevity based nutrition, he brings a lot to think about in this episode. The good news is he gives a starting place to get your journey started. Shawn Wells MPH, LDN, RD, CISSN, FISSN is the world’s leading nutritional biochemist and expert on Health Optimization. He has formulated over 500 supplements, food, beverages, and cosmeceuticals and patented 10 novel ingredients and is now known as the Ingredientologist - the scientist of ingredients. Formerly a Chief Clinical Dietitian with over a decade of clinical experience, he has counseled thousands of people on natural health solutions such as keto, paleo, fasting, and supplements. He has also personally overcome various health issues including Epstein-Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, depression, insomnia,