Jason Hartman In The Hot Seat

JH 39 - The Perpetual Wealth Club with Tony Neumeyer



Jason Hartman went on to the Perpetual Wealth Club with Tony Neumeyer to talk about real estate markets, looming inflation (and how it will impact your real estate portfolio), choosing your investment type, and analyzing properties to put yourself in the best situation to succeed. The Perpetual Wealth Club aims to help people attain passive income, and thus, freedom. Tony suffered through a bankruptcy following a real estate crash when he was in his early 20s. Now, however, he's rebuilt himself and is aiming to make sure others don't emulate his mistakes. Key Takeaways: [3:06] One of the mistakes Jason made when he started investing nationwide, and how he fixed it [6:01] The issue of illiquidity when investing in real estate [9:32] The 3 real estate markets: linear, cyclical and hybrid markets [12:41] How to minimize risk and protect yourself from the downside [15:26] What effect the long stretch of low inflation is going to have [19:57] How periods of inflation impact your real estate investment debt [22:59]