Jason Hartman In The Hot Seat

78: The Window Is Closing On Subject To Real Estate Investing



Matt and Jason Hartman join forces again on the Epic Real Estate Investing podcast, but this time to discuss debt, inflation, and why the whole idea of "subject to" investing may be a thing of the past. Subject-to deals are an indispensable part of Matt's real estate investing toolbox, and he's going to keep on using them for as long as I can. But Jason’s very real prediction about the market’s future means that if the subject-to is going to survive, you’re going to have to get creative. Being a real estate investor doesn’t always require you to go to a bank, get pre-qualified, and call an agent. Sometimes that conventional path flat out doesn’t work for the property, or the investor. Under these scenarios, which are more common than you might think, people get stopped thinking they have a credit problem or a money problem. When in reality they merely have an “idea” problem. Enter creative, outside-the-box ideas for financing; one of the more popular and profitable creative ideas is known as subject-to deals.