Let's Talk Ios

355: Don’t f**k with apps



Cody and Sebastien discuss Apple's massive Q3, and Tim Cook's antitrust hearing (of course, Sebastien has strong opinions about it all). It sounds boring but they're making it fun! HYPER: Hyper is giving our listeners an exclusive 20% discount. Use code LETSTALK20 at checkout on Hypershop.com. Apple’s massive Q3 Apple confirms iPhone 12 is delayed a few weeks Tim Cook’s prepared statement for antitrust hearing What we’ve been watching: Don’t F**k With Cats on Netflix Guns Akimbo on iTunes Terminator 4: Dark Fate on iTunes JoJo Rabbit on HBO Make sure to follow your hosts on Twitter: @SebastienPage, and @melvco. Send a tweet to @LTiOS_fm if you'd like your question to be answered at the end of next week's podcast. Be sure to share your thoughts, comments, and suggestions below. Talk to you next week!