Brawling Brothers Boardgaming Podcast

Episode 61 :: Fury of Dracula Review + #TheChurroZone



Recorded from War Room Studios in Albuquerque, NM : 10/20/17 This episode brought to you by Tasty Minstrel Games, & Meeple Realty.  Year after year "The Horror of the War Room" is one of our very favorite episodes to plan and produce, and this year is no different!  Tune in as we talk about the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, flash back on Mythos Tales from 8th Summit Games, unveil #Uwetober and unveil our unconventional plans for the first ever Brawling Brothers Meetup (at BGGcon 2017). We confess a huge mistake from Episode 60 and beg for forgiveness and then fade into our Fury of Dracula Review.  We produce 2 different user submitted stories, and offer a money back guarantee on your enjoyment of these outstanding pieces of voice acting!  ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!? Coupon Code:  Save 10% on your purchases with Meeple Realty by using the coupon code: bb17   Episode Timeline: 00:00:00 - This episode sponsored by Tasty Minstrel Games, & Meeple Realty 00