Healthy Positive Lifestyle: Holistic Lifestyle And Coaching With Dr. Jin

#6 – The Middle Path – The Wind Rider is Watching the Middle



Shao Dao is not just a regular Martial Art School. Instead, it is a whole philosophy in its own right. I will not even try to describe Dao in a short podcast. I will not try to describe Dao period. Everything I say is just like a snapshot of my perception of the World at the moment I said that. And the very next second it may change and turn into its opposite like Yin turns into Yan or Yan into Yin. So there is no Status Quo in life. Everything is changing constantly. There is nothing permanent except the change itself. And this may change too! How often have I seen people who were trying to hold on their thoughts thinking that they got the life by the tail? How many times have I been guilty of that myself? Trying to hold on my thoughts long after circumstances changed?.. Download