Timm Talk

193. Justice League Unlimited - The Once and Future Thing / JLU S1 Shortlist



“Time is money! Actually, time is the non-spacial continuum in which events occur linearly, usually in the direction of increased entropy. But the clowns seemed to relate better to the money thing.” This week, we’re talking Justice League: Unlimited Eps 12 and 13 - The Once and Future Thing, Parts 1 and 2. Featuring: Batman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman travel from the Old West to the future of Batman Beyond in order to stop the time-traveling thief Chronos from unraveling the fabric of time itself.  Plus: What’s Batman’s brunch schedule like?  Subscribe and review! http://bit.ly/TimmTalk (https://linktr.ee/TimmTalk) Listen to all episode of Timm Talk now on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEpZuiyt6p8OS-q770-zYVTzAndG-Si5W (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEpZuiyt6p8OS-q770-zYVTzAndG-Si5W)  Plus check out other amazing DCAU content from the Watchtower Database and the DCAU Review on our new YouTube channel, The Podtower! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs2u45JzPBeBfWGgz0S_O