Cooper Brunner Podcast

#27 w/ Bodybuilder Brandon Yee



Cooper and Kirsten chat with Bodybuilder Brandon Yee.Summary:Bodybuilding Prep / Nutrition- How do you deal with cravings?  (sugar, carbs, etc)- Supplement Regimen - What are the staples of your diet plan?       - Give examples of foods, and how you go about your prep with food.- How does your Off-Season diet differ from your Season Diet?- Favorite Cheat Meal- What are some popular exercises that you find to be overrated? MAybe give some examples of must-do exercises for adding size (sets,reps)- What are some lessons you've learned while competing?Types of Diets (pros/cons)-  VEGAN (is it a good strategy to take?)- FASTING (intermittent fasting)- KETOPEDS