Kerry Ruff

THE SYSTEM IS NOT SET UP FOR YOU TO WIN. - Kerry Ruff speaks to a group in New York City



THE SYSTEM IS NOT SET UP FOR YOU TO WIN.  Kerry Ruff speaks to a group in New York City about self-communication.  Take a look at our educational system.  In many of our higher educational  institutions we are still asking students to sit in the old 1930's Industrial  age format. Why is that when it's now the CONNECTION AGE. Next, when it comes to our health.  Why is it that many of us still don't know what foods are keeping us healthy and which ones are not.  (Fast foods vs Plant-Based)  And finally, our finances. When you were in the eight grade were you being taught how to invest in the stock market or how to spend your money wisely? This episode is a talk I gave to participants on the topic of self-communication.  HOW TO COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY TO YOURSELF AND THE OUTSIDE WORLD  AND COME OUT ON TOP EACH TIME. I know you will receive some added value and strategies that you will then implement. Keep moving your brand energy differently, Kerry  ker