Adam Fortais

Random Walk 2.1 - Gamer's Guide to Ecology, Ig Nobels, Montreal Protocol, The Narwhal



The Ig Nobel Prizes have been awarded for 2021! It’s like the Nobel prize, but with a better selection process. Just kidding, but only sort of. The world’s most successful climate-based agreement had its 30-something’th anniversary on September 16th. Let me tell you about it, will ya? A brand new climate-focused reporting outfit right here in frikkin Ontario. And I think it’s going to be a good one. It’s about time, right? And… the second episode of the Gamer’s Guide to Ecology, where Jessie deHaan dives into the fauna in Red Dead Redemption 2 Find more Jessie on Twitter and Twitch, and be sure to add the Gamer’s Guide to your favorite podcasting app!