SAGE Mindset Podcast

Nate Rifkin - The Standing Meditation: Excel In The Modern World Using An Ancient Practice



Nate Rifkin used to be suicidal, drank alcohol every morning, went bankrupt, and even worked on street corners waving around a sign. However, Nate learned a little-known spiritual discipline that helped him transform his thoughts, emotions, and finally succeed in business – now he’s sharing his journey. In this episode, Nate share's the experiences that brought him to rock bottom and how leveraging the power of meditation has changed his life and business. Nate share's his insights on the importance of calm in the midst of chaos in the challenges of life and work. With his past experiences, Nate is a living example of the power of what he calls "standing meditation". When you listen to this episode you'll learn how he does this, what it can do for you and your leadership, and the importance of taking skills deeper instead of wider. To learn more about Nate and to grab his book, visit