Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 37 – Biz Women Rock: How to Crush It as a Mompreneur with Katie Krimitsos



If you’re trying to grow your business, chances are there are multiple personal glass ceilings that you’ll have to break through. My guest today has a passion for helping mommas all over the world break through their personal glass ceilings to make a full-time income while working part-time hours. Please welcome this phenomenal business coach and writer, Katie Krimitsos to the Dreamcast! Katie’s story of determination in pursuit of her entrepreneurial goals will make you inspired to keep pushing forward toward creating your dream job. You can learn more about Katie’s community of like-minded business owners at and on We talk about: • Navigating the job market in pursuit of your dream job vs. creating it for yourself • Why “figuring it out” and reaching a big goal often has a new goal built into it • Doing what you love through entrepreneurship, even if you aren’t a “natural” at business • How being part of an entrepreneurial community can help create better bus