Finding Peace - Carol Howe's Weekly Spiritual Podcast

How To Create An Enemy 101



Get your Free copy of “The Best Guide Ever to A Course in Miracles” by Carol Howe, Pretend you don’t have any power. Then take from someone else in order to have. This creates upset since it’s contrary to our basic nature that only wants to give. Then decide that they, not you, are responsible for the upset, they must want to harm you, and now they have become the enemy. The more enemies we have, the more powerless we feel, and the more desperately and insanely we try to recover that power. Something terribly wrong here. Take a look at how the headhunters of Ecuador try to resolve that problem and realize there is a better way! With no enemies, I don’t have to try to collect power by taking the life of something or someone else and no need to shrink heads to keep the avenging spirits at bay. Changing our minds is a much nicer cleaner way, I promise, than shrinking all those heads! Watch our See How Life Works films and they will guide you through the process of how to chan