Risen Church Nc

On The Line - Exodus 35-36



God has a lot to say to us about our possessions. Contrary to what’s often assumed, it’s not because He wants what we have, nor simply about others that are in need. His Word is full of commands to give, be generous, and remain open-handed. Our initial response to God in this area is usually defensive or skeptical, but we miss out on so much if we close our heart to God on this. God has so much to say about finances, money, and our possessions because we are so prone to lose the plot in this area. What God meant as a means to an end, so often becomes the end for many. In short, this is why the Bible commands us to give, give, give… why God says our lives to be about giving over and above being about taking, making, saving, spending, and buying. God gives us stuff so that we can make an impact for His Kingdom, not so that we can become controlled and driven by the stuff. Jesus taught that a Christian’s joy is on the line when we wrestle with obedience to God. If we’re not living in obedience pertaining to