Risen Church Nc

Covenant: On Purpose - Jeremiah 1:1-10



In our look at Jeremiah 1, we build off of our introduction and get to know the man behind the message. In God’s call and commission over Jeremiah, we learn about the universal capacity for passion and purpose in all of our hearts. However, we also see how God has uniquely gifted each of us with an opportunity that only we ourselves can realize. We all long for our true purpose. This world tries to convince us that it is found by obtaining or arriving at a certain status or place, but God tells us that purpose stems from within our hearts. God wants to use each of us for His glory and He has given each and every one of us unique interests and passions and capabilities. When we begin to pray that we might leverage those passions for His glory, we will find ways that we can our worlds better and bless those around us. When we acknowledge that God is the one who has formed us as we are, we will begin to see the appointments He makes for us, wherever we are.