Risen Church Nc

Undeniable: The Opportunist - John 18:1-11



Everyone knows Judas as the one who betrayed Jesus, but have we ever stopped and wondered what let to this moment in history? It may surprise us to learn that Judas would betray Jesus for the very same reason that he initially followed Jesus. He saw in an opportunity to advance himself, but Jesus proved to not be who he thought he was. Judas wasn't getting what he wanted out of Jesus, so he decided to get away from Jesus, and put Him away for good. This makes no sense in hindsight. But Judas wasn't acting on the basis of good sense. He had been deceived by Satan's deception, that what he was looking for was always under the next coin. In the climax of the Gospel's story, we see Jesus and Judas contrasted so clearly. Judas tries to manipulate everything to better himself, while Jesus surrenders for the sake of everyone else. Jesus could have turned the situation against His enemies, but He chose not to. May we all realize what Judas never did, that our tiny minds cannot imagine nor think of what may actu