Risen Church Nc

Covenant: Don't Waste Your Worship - Jeremiah 7-8



When God reveals to Jeremiah the sin of Judah, Jeremiah is surprised that the blame falls on the religious leaders. However, the picture becomes clear as Jeremiah sees through the gloss of their religious rituals. The Temple was renown as a place of dynamic worship, but there was a vast disconnect between how they worshiped and their ways. In one of the most convicting chapters of the Bible, we hear Jeremiah call into account the Spiritual leaders of Judah, and challenge their silence and even support of the sin of the land. What seemed to be political and social issues, are made clear to be Spiritual issues. We hear God call His people to defend the cause of the unborn, children, immigrants, the poor, and oppressed. This conversation may bring discomfort and challenge the status quo, but God's people cannot avoid it. As the New Testament reiterates, we are the body of Christ, His hands and feet. How are we showing this to our world? Government may off solutions to some of these issues, but any given