Risen Church Nc

It's Personal: The Living God - Galatians 4:1-11



This world has us wrapped around its finger and marching to its beat in so many ways. We fall in line, for the most part, because we believe there is some peace, comfort or satisfaction awaiting at the end of each day, season or year. Time and time again, we put our hope in religion, institutions and rituals, to only come up empty. If only we had a way to something real and truly fulfilling... if only we could trade hope for a Living Hope! Jesus is this Living Hope and a relationship with Him brings His Living Spirit to our hearts. When we’re known by Him, He makes our hearts His home. We don't have to continue to be entangled in bondage, because Christ has broken this world's chains. By faith, we don’t have to accept bondage over freedom. No matter how we feel or what we face, our hope is in our God. He has moved in and in Him we can’t be moved. Every day can count by faith and in God's love. The elements of this world may stand over us, but they don’t live within us. We can stand up to them, because