Risen Church Nc

What Are We Doing Here? - 1 Kings 19



As 2020 comes to an end, it's right that we take time and reflect on the year that has been. If there's one word that sums up 2020 it's STRUGGLE. We have collectively faced hardships and challenges that have made the year difficult for us all. We look ahead to 2021 with hope and optimism, but in order to be ready for what's next, we must understand that what's behind us has not been a waste. The Bible teaches us that trials have a redemptive purpose in the lives of believers. God uses them to build our characters and increase our faith in Him. His will isn't always to make a way of escape, but rather show us how to endure. Elijah the Prophet learns this lesson and more in the midst of a years long crisis. In his story, we find incredible reminders of God's sovereign plans and sustaining grace.