Risen Church Nc

The Church: The Incarnation - Acts 2:41-47



The Church is called "The Body of Christ", which is often understood in a merely spiritual or symbolic way. However, this couldn't be further from the idea. In the Incarnation, God became a literal, flesh and blood man. Therefore, when the Church is called The Body of Christ, we should immediately think of a literal, flesh and blood gathering of God's people. In Acts, we see the Church living up to its true identity, and leaving a clear example for us to follow. In this message we consider this sacred definition of Church and consider what Church membership is all about. Recommended Readings to support and further flesh out this message and its themes: https://www.amazon.com/Incarnation-God-Foundation-Evangelical-Theology/dp/1433541874 https://www.pastortheologians.com/articles/2020/12/17/incarnation-and-the-church-the-body-of-christ http://cdn.theologicalstudies.net/71/71.4/10.1177.004056391007100402.pdf