Rise Up For You

Featured Episode: Workplace Well-Being- The Handshake Has to Happen!



ABOUT: Nada Lena is the founder and CEO of Rise Up For You, a company that fosters personal and professional growth amongst individuals and companies. She is an Executive Leadership and Career Confidence Coach, Post-Secondary Educator, and Motivational Speaker. With over 10 years experience as a college professor and former top executive for an education corporation, Nada understands the importance of fusing education, empowerment, and leadership together as she works with her clients and speaks to audiences worldwide. She has toured the world as a singer, has a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership, and has coached and mentored close to 50,000 individuals around the world on self-empowerment, career strategy, and leadership. She most recently had the opportunity to share her expertise at Google's largest conference of the year Cloud Next ‘19, where she worked with tech industry participants and C-Suite executives on Career Confidence, Leadership, and Career Strategy. She was awarded the Chief's Award