Go Girl With Ashley Caprice

Go Girl Ep 63 - How To Slay Self-Doubt With Philicia Wallace



It’s time to slay your self-doubt! I know 2020 brought so much uncertainty and you probably doubted your dreams, your relationship, your job, or yourself. So I brought in Purpose Empowerment Coach and Founder of Slaying Self Doubt, Philicia Wallace who’s vision and purpose is to help other black women identify their insecurities and doubts and empower them to overcome them. After a devastating failed relationship that caused her to question everything about herself, she was able to push through her own fears and insecurities by trusting God, acknowledging her pain and part, forgiving herself, and moving forward. Listen in as we have girl talk about how to slay self doubt professionally and personally! Be sure to tune in to her Slaying Self-Doubt podcast. Follow: @GoGirlMovement @iAmAshleyCaprice @SlayingSelfDoubt on Instagram.