David C Barnett Small Business & Deal Making

Sohit The College Student Seeks Advice About Getting Into Business Quickly



Learn to buy a business at https://www.BusinessBuyerAdvantage.com Never miss a video by signing up at https://www.DavidCBarnettList.com Visit my Blog at https://www.DavidCBarnett.com Related Article: Are you sitting in Economics 101 and just itching to begin your entrepreneurial journey? This week, one of my college viewers, Sohit, writes to ask me what he can do to get started right away to get into business. It’s an interesting case. Sohit needs to focus on his studies but is there an opportunity for him? What kind of opportunity? Watch as I give Sohit advice that I don’t often share. Also—an important piece of advice for young people who are part of today’s college crowd. Watch the amazingly awesome video here presented in Beard-o-Vision HD. The latest in video technology.: https://youtu.be/IgGKAT7BFUw Learn how to buy a successful business at https://www.BusinessBuyerAdvantage.com Book a call with me at https://www.clarity.fm/davidbarnett Stop missing my videos and other news. Join my ema