Holberg Prize Talks

The Holberg Inteview with Marina Warner: From Vogue To University And Why I Quit



The 2015 Holberg Prize goes to the distinguished and praised mythographer and author Marina Warner (b. 1946). In this special episode of Udannet Knut talks with Warner about her upbringing and her way into the academics. Warner also elaborates on her approach to fairytales, myth, history and gender. At the end of the episode, Warner talks about the significance of getting the Prize and why she quit her position at the University of Essex. This episode was produced in collaboration between The Holberg Prize 2015 and the podcast U-dannet, http://u-dan.net/ . The Holberg Prize is awarded annually to scholars who have made outstanding contributions to research in the arts and humanities, social science, law or theology. The Prize amounts to 4.5 million NOK (app. 538.000 EUR / 735.000 USD).