Saas Insider

042: Interview with Ben Nunney from Metalogix



Please rate this podcast. SaaS Insider is a podcast about how to grow, market and sell Software as a Service products. The show has featured a wide range of experts from Elizabeth Yin from 500 Startups, Neil Patel from Quick Sprout, to Tim Lynch from Applango. This week Shira interviews Ben Nunney, formerly of Twilio and now of Metalogix on going from a startup back to enterprise. How he focuses on the priorities for a new position and how growth worked back in the day at Twilio. About Ben Nunney Ben Nunney is an avidly diverse marketer who believes that the line between sales and marketing teams is virtually non-existent. After working with SaaS for over ten years and going from corporate to unicorn and back again, his viewpoint is as unique as it is varied. About Shira Abel Shira Abel is the CEO and Lead Strategist at Hunter & Bard (, an inbound marketing and branding agency. Clients include: Totango, Cyara, Sarine Technologies, Pu