Northgate Christian Community

Dignity of the Human Race



Pastor Jon invited a guest speaker, Fran McGreevy, to offer his perspective on the dignity of man. Fran elaborated on how there is a need in our society to see others in the image of Christ. This concept applies to both believers and non-believers. He offered insight that no other philosophy or religion gives people any dignity of man than Christianity does. Fran also explained John 10:10, which states: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.” He mentioned that the only reason that the enemy would want to feed us lies is that what Christ provides to us is so powerful that the enemy cannot win our hearts without stealing from us. Fran also provided examples from his career as a middle school principal and mentioned that there are many parallels between education research and scriptural research. The key to a happy and successful student is their ability to tap into their minds and thinking, their heart and the longings of their heart