Social Media Business Hour With Nile Nickel

116 Who Are The Millennials And How To Work With Them



How does your generation differ from others?  You might be surprised at what the real answer is. On this great interview, Lee Carahar and Nile Nickel talk about how your interests aren’t exactly shared with other generations.  If you work with other people, the odds are you’re working with a couple different generations…and the huge differences between those generations could mean lots of frustration and misunderstanding.   Listen And Learn: - Why Most Baby Boomers And GenerationXer’s call Millennials the "Strange Generation" - Understanding The 4 Different Generations At Work - The Common Myths About The Millennial Generation - Why The Millennials Are Called “The Generation Of Negativity” - Marketing Death By Millennial - The Tremendous Advantages Of Being Imperfect