Social Media Business Hour With Nile Nickel

123 Tips to Create the Best Podcast so that Radio Stations Want to Broadcast Your Show



Creating a podcast can cost anywhere between $1500 and $4000 or even more. You can't create a podcast without the proper gear. Just Microphones and Mixers can cost several hundred dollars and that’s not even mentioning the sound editing software and the other expenses you don’t even know you have to make yet. Fear not, our guest Ellory Wells has a solution we know you’ll like. Join us and learn all about how you can start your own, professional sounding podcast for just $200 or less. Spend a few minutes with us and you’ll also get: - The insane benefits of creating a podcast and why you should cash in on this HUGE opportunity - Expert recommendations for what microphone you should have to start with - How To Release And Easily Share Your Podcast With The World m/smbh Twitter Handle: @ellorywells