Social Media Business Hour With Nile Nickel

126 - Learn The Secrets of Profitable Sales Funnels And Copywriting



Sales Funnel Basics Is where we start in this jam-packed interview, but we cover the gambit with sales psychology, sales copywriting and how to implement a sales funnel system using social media. How Should A “Sales Funnel” Be Defined… Aaron defines the term “Sales Funnel” as a step by step process, for attracting the right people to your business, enables you to build a relationship with them and eventually, sell your products or services to them.  The word funnel is used, because it is designed like a physical funnel: It has a wide top and narrows toward the bottom. Ideally, when a sales funnel works, you can put a bunch of leads in the top, build a relationship with them in the middle and then turn them into customers. A good sales funnel does a number of things for your business.  One of those things is prequalify your customers. To get through the funnel, these customers will have the ability to buy your products and services – otherwise, they wouldn’t have made it through your funnel. “A great sales fu