The Resus Room

December 2016; papers of the month



Welcome to December's Papers of the month where we'll be looking at the papers recently published that have caught our eye. First up, what happens when clinicians override clinical decision rules for PE? Are we better than the the rules? Next we have a look at a review article that runs through the back ground literature on subsegmental PE's, their diagnosis and management. And finally we have a look at a paper that helps to benchmark ED airway management with regards first pass success rate. Our sponsors ADPRAC are giving away another £30 iTunes voucher to spend on education/entertainment to support your work life balance! All you need to do is click the link on our home page through to the ADPRAC website and answer the question relating to the podcast, good luck! References & Further Reading Yield of CT Pulmonary Angiography in the Emergency Department When Providers Override Evidence-based Clinical Decision Support. Yan Z. Radiology. 2016 Best Clinical Practice: Current Controversies in Pulmonary Embol