Get Clarity With Jamie Smart

#015 - DEMO: Trump-anxiety and our true identity



In this episode, you’re going to hear a coaching session that’s going to be particularly relevant to a lot of people in light of this week’s mid-term elections in the USA, because the client, Kathleen, is feeling frightened and anxious about the social, economic and political climate. At one point in the conversation, you’ll hear me ask what may strike you as a strange and bizarre question: Are you open to the possibility that your feelings don’t know who’s president? As you’ll hear when you listen to the session, Kathleen gets insights into where her experience comes from, and who she really is. This session was taken from a Clarity Community call, and this is a session I do once a month where all my clients, past and present, are invited to a group coaching session. Kathleen’s session was at the start of the community call, so in the final 8 minutes of this episode, I check back in with her. She shares her insights and realisations from the coaching session, and as you’ll hear, things have really shifted.