Get Clarity With Jamie Smart

#021 - Subtractive psychology: Are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer



Are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer? In this episode of the get clarity podcast, we’re going to be answering this question about subtractive psychology: are formless principles too 'woo-woo' for a corporate lawyer? Here’s the back story. You may recall that I conducted a 3-day Clarity 1:1 Coaching Intensive with a corporate lawyer named Andy, in front of a live audience of coaches, therapists and trainers. A year later, I did a live follow-up interview with Andy in front of an audience, to find out how the experience changed his world and give people the chance to ask us BOTH questions. There were some real surprises – for instance someone asked Andy whether he would have been prepared to pay full price for the intensive, knowing what he knows now (Andy paid £4,000 instead of the usual fee of £30,000, in return for letting an audience watch and listen as he went through the entire experience). As you can imagine, I was waiting with baited breath to hear his answer in front of an audie