
2.6 | AARON NIEQUIST { the eternal current }



When it comes to leading worship, liturgist & writer Aaron Niequist likes to swim in the deep end. Coming from a small stream of evangelicalism, Aaron has wrestled & fought with questions like, "Is this all there is? Is there more to worship than a setlist & a sermon?"  His questions about worship styles & Sunday morning practices only scratch the surface, for Aaron is always swimming deeper, seeking after the substance beneath all the worship styles.    During this journey through doubt & deconstruction, Aaron discovered the rich treasure of ancient Christian practices & the beauty of liturgical worship. And he's spent years experimenting with the concept of importing these ancient practices into modern worship settings. Through many successes & failures, Aaron has gleaned much wisdom, which he shares in his new book, "The Eternal Current: how a practice-based faith can save us from drowning".  And I'm so grateful to Aaron for coming onto the podcast to share some of the stories