
2.8 | AUDREY ASSAD & BRADY TOOPS { the unholy trinity }



Artists have a way of seeing the unseen. Especially what is unseen to majority of society. Audrey Assad & Brady Toops are two people who definitely see what most others don't. And they're no longer afraid of sharing what it is they see.  Both have created & recreated careers in the liminal landscape that hosts the intersection of musical entertainment & leading worship. They share some raw & hilarious thoughts on who they used to be & where they find themselves today. And they share a little bit of their art along the way.  ___________________________ @audreyassad | @bradytoops | Opening Theme Music by Future of Forestry To watch the conceptual short films featuring composer Tony Anderson, go to or Look out for Tony's new album, CHASM. Available 10.10.18 COMING SOON: new stock visuals licensing site, A NIGHT OF HOPE tour: Nov 29 - Dec 2 (featuring Ann Voskamp &am