Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0212 – Tai Yra Fontanas That Is A Fountain



Hi there, this is Jack.     The reason we haven't published an episode for a few weeks is because my laptop crashed and I lost all the episode plans and all of the upcoming episode recordings; all gone, viskas.  To complicate the situation, Raminta is in Vilnius and won't be back for a couple of weeks.   I was stranded without a plan and without any recordings.   Thankfully, Romas and Daiva offered to help and we recorded a couple of episodes that we threw together at the last minute.  You'll hear Daiva in the background on this episode but you'll hear more of her on the next one.   In the recordings you might be able to tell I have a cold.  My voice is rougher than usual.   Also, a listener wrote me saying he has created a Facebook page for Lithuanian Out Loud.  So, if you're interested in Lithuanian Out Loud or Lithuania or the Lithuanian language you can join his group on Facebook.  Please be aware that this page wasn't created by Raminta nor myself, we don't moderate it and you cannot reach us the