Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0291 – Egzaminas Exam (with Gintarė)



LL0291 – Egzaminas Exam (with Gintarė) This is a quick response episode! We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud! Ready, set, go! Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! to think galvoti let me think about it leiskite minutėlę pagalvoti I can‘t think right now šiuo metu negaliu galvoti hard / difficult sunkus / sunki a hard question sunkus klausimas a hard life sunkus gyvenimas to get on well with someone sutarti I get on well with my mother aš sutariu su savo mama deal! sutarta! together kartu Romas lives with his wife Romas gyvena kartu su žmona essential svarbus / svarbi most essential svarbiausia it‘s essential to me man svarbu peace is essential taika yra svarbu a relationship santykis in a relationship santykyje in relationships santykiuose people žmonės of course, you have in mind... žinoma, turi omeny... in mind omenyje what do you have in mind? ką turi omenyje? to tell, to say sakyti I say aš sakau you know, I would say... žinai ką, aš sakyčiau... I would say, yes sakyčiau,