John And Tom 360

1: Short Intro About John And Tom



Before JohnandTom360 became a podcast, it began as a bromance between two guys who wouldn’t appear to have too much in common.   John’s high school career ended with a GED rather than a cap and gown, while Tom graduated from the University of Illinois.    John’s wardrobe is heavy on the cargo shorts, t-shorts and Cav’s caps. Generally worn backwards. Tom’s more of a starched button down guy.   John’s tattoos have taken over quite a bit of the available real estate on his body. Tom’s ink is limited to the pen in his pocket.   John’s muscles qualify as a concealed weapon. Tom’s muscles…Tom’s muscles?   But, if you look a little deeper, you’ll see that there’s far more in common than meets the eye.   Tom’s a business coach and author with forty years of experience starting, buying, and selling businesses and guiding others as they do the same. John is the owner of a thriving service business, and the co-founder of an educational company acknowledged worldwide as the undisputed leader in the field of Dent Removal